Before misuse happens, get more information so that you and your buddies can stay safe and find and give support.
Everyone experiences issues with attention and completing tasks sometimes, which can be due to a variety of factors such as lack of sleep or exercise, too much caffeine, stress, or behavioral health conditions. Below are a few strategies and approaches to help manage these attention challenges. Adults with Attention Issues May Have Difficulty: Sitting still […]
Community-based approaches to prevent drug relapse are essential for supporting individuals in recovery and promoting long-term success. These approaches use community resources and social support to create spaces that discourage drug use and encourage healthy behaviors. Here are some effective community-based ideas: Start Peer Support Groups Facilitate local recovery support groups where individuals can share […]
Do you know the truth about risky drug use? Learn about Too Much to Lose and get facts on prescription drug misuse and illicit and prohibited drug use.
No matter the scenario, stay away from risky drug use to protect your health, relationships and career.
Learn about the different non-drug pain management options that could help manage your pain as a Service member.
Learn why it’s not worth the risk to keep extra medication around. Instead, find out how to protect yourself by getting rid of it.
As a Service member, it’s important to be informed about the DOD and your Service branch’s policies on substances including prescription, illicit and prohibited drugs.
You might hear the terms tolerance, dependence and addiction in reference to prescription drug use. It’s important to know that these three terms do not all mean the same thing
Supporting a person with addiction is not an easy task, but there are things you can do to help.